Please note the following important information regarding the registration for SHBI2016

  • Each accepted paper requires one Full Registration.
  • Full Registration and Student Registration fees include admission to all workshop events, coffee breaks, one banquet ticket, and one workshop proceedings.
  • Each extra banquet ticket will be $30.
  • For Student Registration, it is required to provide a copy of a valid ID at the time of registration that certifies their full-time student status.
  • For IEEE or ACM discount registration a valid member number must be provided during on-line registering.


Prior to September 30, 2016 After September 30, 2016
IEEE or ACM member $125 $170
Non-member $150 $200
Student* $ 50 $ 50
*Opportunity to volunteer and receive a reduced registration fee


Registration Options

You may register online here, or you may register in person at the workshop for a fee of $100 per day.