The Faculty Handbook Committee is one of the standing committees of the Faculty. Its charge is to carry on continuing study of the Faculty Handbook and to be the channel for the amendment or revision of the Handbook. The Chair of the Faculty Handbook Committee also shares, with the Academic Vice President, the responsibility of rendering interpretations of the Handbook as necessary.

The Faculty Handbook spells out the rights and responsibilities of the Faculty, and Faculty contracts are construed and interpreted in light of the provisions of the Faculty Handbook. (It is important to note in this regard that the material in the appendices is for informational purposes only and is not part of the Faculty Handbook as such.) For these reasons every Faculty member should be familiar with the Faculty Handbook.

Minutes of the Faculty Handbook Committee are sent to the Chair of the Faculty Council and to the Academic Vice President. The Faculty Handbook Committee also places the committee’s minutes on the Web for the perusal of all Faculty and other interested members of the John Carroll Community.

The minutes of past meetings of the Faculty Handbook Committee with the group of administrators appointed by Fr. Niehoff to explore issues of concern are also posted.

The Spring 2014 reprinted Faculty Handbook is the current Faculty Handbook and is available on this Web page. This reprinting incorporated the amendments of November 15, 2012 and August 30, 2013 into the text. The new printing also included a number of nonsubstantive textual rectifications.

Comments and/or questions can be directed to any of the members of the committee.